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Employee to Solopreneur!

Solopreneur working on her laptop

Employee to Solopreneur!

Build a Lifestyle Business to Escape Your 9-5 Job

Have you ever dreamed of being your own boss

Becoming a solopreneur is your best opportunity to base your work life on who you truly are. When you run your own business, you get to design your life and build your work around your life vs. being forced to twist your life around your 9-5 job. 

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Desmond – Rating: 5/5

“Highly insightful advice. The list of online tools and services presented will save us a lot of time from researching what tools to use. The tool list is more comprehensive than I thought I needed. Excellent overall investment of 2 hours of time. I am sure the knowledge I gained from this workshop will save me many hours of aimless searching for the right tools. The gems are in the insights of running the solo business.”

Chris Gordon – Rating: 5/5

“I would definitely recommend this seminar to anyone thinking about a solopreneurship! Larry leads a very informative workshop complete with breakout sessions and group Q&A. I took 4 pages of notes from the slide deck, as there were many aspects to consider when creating a lifestyle company. This was a good overview of what Solopreneurship can be and how to leverage your existing experience to capitalize and monetize your knowledge.”

My Invincible Solopreneurs workshop will help you create a plan to transition from your 9-5 job to launching your solopreneur lifestyle business quickly, easily, and inexpensively.

​Note: Refer your friends to the workshop, and you might win a free coaching call! 

​I’ve personally used this framework to build, launch, and operate three different lifestyle businesses over the past 20 years to support my family!

​I left the corporate world forever in 2010, and I haven’t had a 9-5 job working for anyone else since!

​Trust matters when signing up for a workshop like this, so please research me, read my testimonials, and check out my LinkedIn.

​I can’t even begin to tell you how good it feels to no longer have a boss. It feels even better to fully own how I spend my days.

​I have:

​My goal is to show you how you can define, design, and test a business concept in just a few weeks. Note: the model works best with a virtual services business that you can run online without a physical storefront (i.e., working with clients over the phone, email, messaging, and Zoom).

However, much of what I will show you can also be applied to many other types of businesses. The business plan you create will help you get clear about:

​I want you to be able to generate revenue as soon as possible. A steady stream of income from your business will give you the confidence you need to leave your job someday and say goodbye to your boss forever.

​I will focus on the core essentials you need to create a simple and effective business based on what you already know and can do well.

​I don’t want to overload the 2-hour session because I don’t want to overwhelm anyone.

​I’m always here to share my advice, and my solopreneur community will always be available later for people who want to keep engaging, learning more, and getting feedback as they build and grow their businesses.

​I hope you will join us! 😊

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There are many ways to start a new business, but transforming your job description into a business plan is the fastest and easiest low-risk business you can create.

I took this step over 14 years ago, and you can too!

Are you ready to learn how?

Are you ready to take that first step?

If so, you’ll be interested in my series of “Employee to Solopreneur” online workshops, a private peer community, course materials, and weekly office hours!

Hi, I’m Larry Cornett, the founder of Invincible Solopreneurs

Learn more about me and my tech, corporate, and entrepreneurial background

For just $20/month, you’ll get access to all of it. Learn more…

Want to join us on this journey to freedom? Learn how to create a happy, healthy, and successful working life by building your own solopreneur business. 

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